

Medicine and Public Health in Thai Historiography:

From an Elitist View to Counter-hegemonic Discourse[1]

Chatichai Muksong

Komatra Chuengsatiansup


This paper examines the evolving practices of Thai medical historiography and reveals four different approaches: The ‘royal-nationalistic approach’ postulated the roles of the royal nobility as the core of its narrative; ‘developmental approach’ deployed the narrative framework of national progress, emphasising the roles of state and medical knowledge as its indispensable instrument; the ‘social history approach’ examined the interrelation of health, medicine and social changes; and the ‘counter-hegemonic approach’, a critical historiographic practices evident in the writing of history of people movement. The evolving historiographic practices reflected not only the changing politics of health in Thailand, but also affirmed that historiography itself has increasingly become an important political ground in which power struggle played out and domination contested, as various parties competed to claim their political autonomy.

[1] To be published in Laurence Monnais Harold J. Cook, (eds) Health, Pluralism and Globalisation: A Modern History of Medicine in South-East Asia. London: The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History

